Saturday, 29 September 2007

I'm frozen still. Heartbroken still. I'm dying, remembering something I forgot.

I'm a bit worried that I've said something horrendously confessional or offensive to some of my friends when I was drunk, because they haven't contacted me for a while. I just hope they're busy instead.

I'm not hungry lately- I don't know if I'm ill or if this is normal eating:

Baked potato with beans and cheese
a tangerine
pasta with mushrooms, spinach and tuna
a cube of chocolate
and two coffees.

Written down it clearly isn't. I don't want to have weight dips and swings all over the place, but I am feeling better and in control at the moment. It's a self esteem thing, and at the moment I'm holding myself in higher esteem. Two square meals a day isn't going to kill me, I will eat three tomorrow, I will. I'm not excluding food groups or avoiding bad food. I am fine.

Current measurements:
Chest- 36
Waist- 28.5
Upper arm-12

Height- 5' 8.5

I feel nervous and fidgety, because of term starting and new plays coming on. I want this one play so badly, the Macbeth. I can't say it's the only one I'd want, but it would be terrible to have to play a nurse, or Lady Macduff to another Lady Macbeth. I do want that, but if I can't have that I want a big role in another play.

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