Tuesday, 26 February 2013

What comforts you?

I'd like to know. Mine are:

1. Walking
2. Tea
3. Listening to melancholy things
4. Bread and chocolate
5. Reading on my own
6. Being in your arms.

6. hasn't happened. <0 .5="" a="" after="" an="" at="" backache.="" been="" being="" br="" but="" could="" day="" different="" effort="" film="" hard="" have="" here.="" i="" if="" it="" italian="" much="" people="" probability="" that="" tonight="" too="" was="" watched="" were="" with="" work="" would.="" would="" you="">

I don't think you drink tea. You like meat. You like chicken, especially. You like thinking, but you don't always get caught up in films. You get cold, despite your uniform, those trousers, your hat, the layers.

I'd keep you warm.

I saw a woman
With long thin legs in sensible trousers
And a misshapen woollen hat
Walking a tiny dog.
On meeting a friend, its lead
Was bound about those legs and
She stood, skewed yet straight,
As you do
With your silken hair
Hanging like a flag
Something in the weft,
Your hat
She laughed
And I turned back whilst lengthening my stride
To glimpse this changeling you
In vesperal light
On Parisian streets. 

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