Sunday, 3 March 2013

I want to give you something...

Though I don't know whether you want anything from me.

I want to write to you daily, in the same manner as I write to you here, only I can't.

I feel vaguely lonely, and if I could, I'd write:

You make me laugh like nobody else, and I want you to come to Paris for a week and sleep in my bed to see what happens.

I'm sorry for sending you an over involved analysis of that poem. I just desperately want to say everything to you, and I can't, so I ramble instead.

You're very beautiful. Did you know?

Come here, and we'll collapse laughing in my room, over cobblestones, anywhere. Then we'll decide.

I probably won't write any of this. I have received messages from other friends, but I'm always slightly disappointed to find that it's not you. Oh. I want to ask you a good question, one that makes you want to respond. How?

How did you get to be so beautiful?

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