Saturday, 29 December 2007


I am currently undecided as to whether I am pro-life or pro-choice. I wouldn't picket, either way, I don't think it's for me to force my beliefs on someone else.

I vote liberal democrat, I'm agnostic and I was brought up pro-choice. I always wonder what I'd do if I got pregnant; abortion would be a real option. I'm not sure what I'd do.

Equally, I feel that it isn't my place to judge other's decisions. What it comes down to is whether or not I believe the foetus is alive. I think it is alive, but then I think about rape pregnancies, or teenage pregnancies, and it seems ridiculous to say that they should be forced to carry the foetus full term, even if it's adopted afterwards. I think really, that in any circumstance, nine months and a child at the end is a life-changing thing, and that some people aren't ready for it.

Abortion is a taboo; I just read an article by a pro-lifer that says that it shouldn't be called pro-choice because the foetus hasn't got a choice. A foetus hasn't got a choice on whether it was conceived, but noone's out there campaigning for foetuses not to be conceived or not, to give them that choice. Pro-abortion sounds like you're pro-aborting every foetus, like some kind of rampant Harold Shipman. It hasn't affected me personally (for all I know).

I probably would, at this time in my life, have an abortion if I got pregnant, touch wood I won't. I don't think I'd feel bad about it either. I do want kids at some point, but I wouldn't align myself with the pro-life faction just yet.

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