Sunday, 17 August 2008

Lenny Stalker.

I met a wonderful woman. She's 36 years older than I am and she's lost her front teeth, but I think she's adorable. She runs a commune. I don't agree with her beliefs entirely. She lives her life exactly as she thinks she should and she radiates contentment, which goes deeper than happiness. She's so beautiful.

I thought she was completely secure; but she said she didn't want her photo taken. I suppose it's not nice to be put out there and seen as you don't want to be seen. But she's so lovely. I think it would shine straight off the page. But then I'm biased, I suppose. I feel I could live with her forever. I would follow her to the ends of the earth. I would.

Funny, it's so funny, that I come across as a cold person and I'm always attracted to those that are warmer. Or maybe I am warmer than I think... some think me cold. It's as if I'm leeching their warmth. I've got Raynauds disease; a bodily reminder, cold hands and cold feet that I lay on warm people, but I never get warmer myself. I just make them cold.

Though that's not what happens in reality; I'm usually left colder by the experience.

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