Monday, 12 March 2007

I am a sexual camel.

I detest and despise photographs. I didn't used to mind my face, but now...


At least my breasts are too small to go anywhere, not least south.

a brownie (200)
soup and some baguette (200)
a chicken wrap (400)
some pic n mix (200)
a brownie (200)
an apple (40)
coleslaw (50)
a crumpet with pesto (100)
ice cream (200)
raisins (40)

1440. Ho hum. Yesterday was all recorded as 1200, and the day before. I must, must be more careful. I have simply been too busy with rehearsals, doing essays, seeing people, living life.

Today she alluded to her lover; I felt a twist go through me, but it was more of jealousy, a why-don't-you adore me than a I adore you too much. I don't adore her anymore, but I want her to adore me... I am a narcissist. I suppose she's the only recent one I've felt it back towards, that's why.

Good things about today were that I laughed a lot. I made some headway educationally. I wore makeup.

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