Wednesday, 18 April 2007

A leopard never changes its spots

I just typed that a leopard never changes its sots. Yes, I am drunk and it was corrected. But that is ultimately true; a leopard never does change, internal or external, and the sots, those who hang about it, never change either, I write this because of my clever friend who never stops attempting to influence people.

I would have stayed in my allowance of 1200 today if I'd not consumed various beverages.

I wish I could...

do well at my degree
keep acting
stop relying on social pressures

And be thin. Obviously.

I spoke to a woman cab driver tonight. Her attitude is, if they create the mess why should I have to clear it up? But she wouldn't let anyone create mess anyway. A taxi fascist. As my friend is a controlling fascist. She wants everyone to fall in line with her.

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