Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Dancing at Lughnasa

I read the aforementioned play the other day, and I find it captivating. It has stayed with me despite my reading other books in the interim; the role of Maggie is a role I would very much like myself. Albeit I can't do an irish accent, but I would love it.

It's so sad, and I can't put my finger on why. Usually the tragedy comes from a great height (especially the shakespearean); there must be a descent. There is a descent here, but the thing that amplifies it most is the inevitability of the whole affair, and the potential of these women; it is a fall from a height, but a height that was never attained. It's a tragedy before the reader enters into the text world.

Meryl Streep played Kate once, which made me think I wanted to as well but my gut instinct was that I'd like to be Maggie, or possibly Rose. I think playing a character with special needs would be a really good experience, because it's so hard to do well, and convincingly without seeming an utter twat.

I ate loads today, of sugar as well, because I was in London and my usual life rules were temporarily suspended. They're affixed now though.

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