Monday, 16 November 2009


I think that I might forget, in the future, for reference. So here, in a few words, is what DB is like. She's adored outright by all who know her. They all say she is charismatic, or has brass balls, or something brilliant, because she is, simply put. You cannot fault her excellence.

She is small and has got naturally curly bottle blonde hair with dark roots. I know this because I complimented her on it one day, "your hair's nice today", and she said, "it's just my normal hair", or something to that effect. Then there was an awkward silence. You don't realise she's small until she points it out, or in my case, until I stand beside her- and even then I just assume that I'm the giant.

She sounds as if she comes from Essex, but I can't be sure; she could equally be genuine East End. Somewhere round London, anyway. She's somewhere between chubby and thin, I can't ever quite fathom where. She's got quite a round middle, and thin legs and arms, and a round serious face with extreme eyebrows; they're very thin and they slant, almost into an M with the middle removed. She's got a delicate little pointy face, with browny eyes whose pupils seem to have expanded to fill the whole eye, white too, which gives her a sort of squinting, unblinking ardour (not unlike TV detectives, and she uses it to stare people down. "Yeah, and?" is one of her favourite phrases). Her mouth is very small and thin-lipped, so she can easily look severe, but it's a Cheshire cat grin when she smiles. I'd put her at thirtyish, or late twenties. She moves with a rollicking sort of walk and lunges when she's explaining things, from which I deduce that she might be fairly athletic. She's fairly pale, but does better in the sun than I would. Her face is round and not exactly carved; it's a face made from softness though she looks tough, and she's got a large forehead.

She's recently acquired bits of new wardrobe, but she persists in wearing a grey fleece on top of everything, so I assume that she feels the cold. I avoid fleeces, but when I see her wearing hers it looks lovely. Her hands and feet are small and neat, like the rest of her, and then it's sometimes topped by this mane of exploding blonde. She's just wonderful. I can't do anything except moon about and not make any sort of right impression. I wish I had a hint of what she thinks about me.

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