Wednesday, 20 December 2006

Essential factors in happiness.

I think there are seven pillars in recognised psychology that are a route to being happy, or adequately satisfied (the first being food, the second is a home and it goes on). So I decided, because I am arrogant, that I would list my five factors for happiness.

1. Knowledge.
Knowledge is power, because if you know more than everyone else then you feel above them. It's a fact of life. Knowledge opens doors to rebellion, powerful positions... everything. That is why I like books so much. They are a path to knowledge, and as such a door opener.

2. Good Health.
Vital for enjoyment of life. Noone who is ill or unhealthy gleans the most, they just don't have the necessary energy. Ask Stephen Hawking; he might be living, but I bet he'd love to have his health back.

3. Confidence.
People are pretty useless without confidence in themselves and their own beliefs; you might know a hell of a lot, but if you don't trust your own opinions of it it's as much use to you as the proverbial fish and bicycle.

4. People.
Not just to be surrounded by people, but to be surrounded by people you like and can interact with because you choose to, not just because you are forced to. Humans are social animals and need contact, or we wouldn't be able to practise any of the above skills and we'd wither away.

5. A stimulating environment
This can be work related, or sport related, or even in the way that you have to negotiate people you don't like. If we never had challenges, we wouldn't know how good life could be when good stuff finally came along.

Music is pretty important as well. As are the feeling that you're providing for yourself, freedom from physical abuse and freedom in general to do what you like without hurting anyone. Also, no debt. Being in debt can ruin your life.

But what doesn't make you happy are having a lot of material posessions, thinking you're a lot worse than anyone else or thinking you're a lot better than anyone else. Too many secrets. Feeling the need to display your power. Kidding yourself that all five of those in your life are fulfilled when they are not, and refusing to acknowledge the void. And things that I do that won't make me happy are buying into the idea that skinniness will make me happy. Self confidence will make me happy. I need knowledge and self confidence. I know that being thin won't make me happy, but somehow I just can't reconcile it with that desire in me to be thin. And hankering after her definitely won't make me happy, I should just reconcile myself to being friends. But I am having difficulty with that as well.

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