Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Too much, too much.

I came back home today; I don't know. I always feel so fat here; today, for example, I ate

a cookie
two oranges
broccoli and pesto and tortellini

That's about six hundred.

before leaving.


1.5 krispy kreme doughnuts
vegetable stew
some mini oreos
a banana

probably 800. Not terrible but not brilliant. I must do better.

The plan for tomorrow is to go and buy some new shoes, to go out walking, to practise my monologues and do some housework.

I might also get in touch with friends. I definitely will.

Parenting methods.

The one mine used was to ignore what I did when I was bad and to show me attention when I was good. It's meant to be a good method, but I'm not so sure. They've turned out proud of me. I would show more anger, though. There is nothing so awful and frustrating as being ignored; it tells you that when something is going wrong, or you're not pleased, that noone cares, nor will care. It is saying, you aren't allowed to be angry. So does smacking; but in a different way. I wouldn't smack. I want my children to be respectful of me but not terrified of me, or inable to express emotion. I'd never ignore them. Ignoring is a terrible, terrible way to parent, and I hate it.

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