Monday, 13 October 2008

What role do you play for me?

She said she plays roles for people if they need her to. I'm wondering if she's playing one for me, then, can she see what I am and how I feel? She's had so much experience I must be utterly opaque, a translucide. I think she'd think what I'm feeling is dangerous and she'd try to keep me away more if she knew. I don't want her to play a role for me. I want to be her friend.

We're almost unknown quantities to each other and yet
I feel so very familiar because of that space between us
It's not quite politeness; because I'm in your life, but not in that way, too close
In the way I want to be. I don't want you to be a role for me.
I don't want to be a role for you. I wonder if we are friends or if
You're just working your spell on me; fairy Godmother
I think more Cinderella.
And I'll be the prince, though not really.
You're the rescuer but maybe I could
switch roles once in a while. Because I'm boyish
And I leap railings, and you're always by the hearth
Though well protected, no need for a valiant knight.
Because you're magic, sorceress of solace.
A carriage from a pumpkin and paradise from crumbled streets.

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