Eating today:
2 chocolate brownies 400
2 tangerines 40
broccoli, pasta, tuna and light mayonnaise 300
pic n mix (brazil nuts, chocolate caramel crisps, amounting all in all to 200g). - I dread to calculate. 800 at least.
Damn. It was so good till the pic n mix. I'd love to say that my pic n mix was 500 calories, then I'd be within the count; I suppose at least it's 1500. I walked a lot today.
I can't stop listening to the song Sex Crime, 1984, by the Eurythmics as it incorporates both Orwell and the music I adore. "Ich habe eine Ohrwurm", so als die Deutschen sagen wuerde. I am especially enjoying the dissolution of language they use, showing that they have gleaned some partial understanding of the text; "unborn, unliving" are negations of good concepts used to disenfranchise the masses from negative thoughts and expression regarding the government. I fear the advent of the text message, and textspeak (which I class on a par with newspeak, hampering language development) will have a similar effect on today's youth, and as they can't express themselves via language, or argue capably, they will have to resort to violence and gun crime (possibly also sex crime). Linguists would argue that language in textspeak is used in a new and creative way, but I would say that a text vocabulary is condensed and few neologisms arise; words are ran into one another and rendered unclear, aside from one meaning.
I saw a film with a friend today, which was lovely, and we had a good chat afterwards; I almost admitted my bisexuality, I think I conceeded it. She asked if there were any women or men on the horizon, comically, and I remarked there were none. So this is conceeding, but only to a comic remark? I don't really want to "come out" to everyone and have them categorise me, or to create a furore. I trust many of my friends not to do this; I don't know. I'll appear in a vagina related play, yet cannot divulge information about myself to my closest friends. This is because a play is someone else entirely; a different you that is not serious, a perfect you without the quirks and kinks. In front of strangers that will judge me, but that I cannot see (in der rampenlicht, bin ich taub- I am blind in the limelight- literally, I cannot see the audience for the dazzle) it's almost as if I'm alone in a room and they're not there at all. This is why I love acting; it is almost a surprise to me that others know of my expeditions into the thespian, as I seldom realise an audience is present.
I also went to an agency that aids prostitutes and drug addicts today (that's what wer'e giving the proceeds from the play to). It was so interesting; I felt I should have asked more questions, but I already understood a lot of what she was saying and didn't feel I could add anything. The woman that ran it was fantastic; a girl asked her what made her give up prostitution, and she said that how did we know she wasn't still a prostitute? I don't know what to think about prostitution; there seems to be something wrong with selling emotions, but I act, many people perform for careers, or con, many do jobs for worse money; aside from the health risks, why not sell your body as a commodity? Celebrities, vacuous idiots, do and reap rewards; I would rather be a prostitute than a Paris Hilton (though there isn't much distinction; the woman today was infinitely wiser than Paris and her acolytes). It was all very intriguing, and definitely made me think.
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I love your images!!!
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