Thursday, 12 February 2009

When I was young, I'd flee this town...

Today I ate:

So many of my posts start off like this. After I've written it all out, I always intend to write something else, and before it's always niggling at the back of my mind.

A biscuit-70
lasagne and salad-400
a biscuit-55

some muesli-350
5 dried apricots-50
turkey and mushroom curry-300


1225 currently. Not bad. I might go on a walk in a bit.

I have since walked, had a cigarette (much needed) and ate some more apricots and two oreos. So, fifty and 115- 165. 1390. I didn't really need both oreos, I don't think.

Tomorrow I am going out with friends, which should be good.

Darling, don't have to worry turn out the light.

I like you.

Ha, it's funny because it's such a silly little statement, and you don't like it. I don't even know if you like being complimented. I wonder if you think it's a misnomer? Misnomer, something that is misleading or a name that is a mistake. Like yours, too soft, not celtic. You aren't a hard person, but you are firm, and it seems that noone is close to you. But I bet you're like chocolate. Soft centred.

That's a misnomer- you're not at all like chocolate. Maybe you're like an egg, fragile shelled and able to withstand pressure if it's applied correctly. Not easy to crack, though.

I wonder if you turn out the light, when you love your husband? Or even if you do love him at all? Your shirts sometimes ride up and I see evidence of your strength, little purple lines fading white that are proof that you can withstand, you have borne. Hard won lines, and a softened physique. Lovely, just beautiful. A handsome face.

Do you think less of me because I am always in skirts? You don't wear them. Private, private.

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