Saturday, 20 September 2008

Happy day.

It's amazing how happy simple things make me, well, how happy simple things make most people only they don't do them. I went to the House today and met some Hari Krishnas and spent time in the sun and time fixing bikes and it's been fine, it's good.

Here's what I've eaten:
lentil soup and a slice of bread and butter and a 1/4 of an orange-300
roast dinner- potatoes chicken broccoli some swede and a yorkshire pudding-600
apple crumble-300
hot chocolate-40
ice cream (2tsps)-50

I have done lots of exercise and been moving about so I feel kind of OK about it, though I don't feel light and airy like I have over the past few days which I don't like.

I've just come back to this after a bit and now I feel better. I felt like I wanted to eat forever but now not so much, so that's OK.

Tomorrow I am auditioning for another thing and it'll be fun, if nervewracking. I'm going to enjoy it, and then I'm going to the House. They wanted me to act but I didn't want to. I might have if they'd let me pick but I hate not having control.

It strikes me that I feel better and freer there maybe because they don't treat me...

My Dad got angry tonight because me and my brother were niggling at each other- he teases me because I haven't got a job and I teased him for the first time back, and Dad shouted at both of us. He never shouts when it's just my brother teasing me. As soon as I start to stand up for myself it's a problem, but if he's the problem then it's all fine. My brother is turning into an arse.

Anyway, it feels a bit fairer there. I don't have say in some things. But then I have got a say as far as I think I should be allowed one. Here I've got no say in what happens.

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