Sunday, 21 September 2008

I've gone over the count today.

4 biscuits, 2 marylands 2 cookies- 280

an apple-40

a cappucino-100


1/2 a bacon sandwich and a smoothie-300

some rice-100


two slices of bread-250

sugar puffs-114

a mars ice cream-143


Oh. Not as bad as I thought, if quantities are right, and I did a bike ride and an audition.

I really want a callback for the audition but I don't think I'll get one. They didn't look at me that way.

The Lady of the House (I think this is what I'll call her)- I made a promise to her today, and I can't keep it, and I feel bad that I'll have to ring her tomorrow and tell her. I feel sad about it.


Here are the things I'm doing next week:

Monday- HAND IN JOB APPLICATION and netball
Tuesday- day out on the waterart front. Yoga?
Saturday-party housewarming. Help at shop?

I should also:

check on the jobs I've applied for and go to the bar in town
Write letters back to people that have written to me
apply for more things


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